
Showing posts from December, 2017

Braces First Tightening

On Monday, December 11th I got my braces tightened for the first time! They hurt a little after they got  tightened. It is now Thursday and they do not hurt any more. I had to eat softer foods again (just like when i got them on) because they hurt too much to eat harder foods. On Monday they also changed the color, I got gray. When I first looked at them after they put the gray on it made my teeth look really yellow. Now whenever I look at them they don't look as yellow.

Foods/Things To Avoid With Braces

Foods To Avoid  Nuts Chewing on ice cubes Hard taco shells Chips (You can eat them if you eat one at a time, not a mouth full at once.) Corn on the cob (Cut it off the cob before eating it.) Bagels Uncooked carrots (Unless cut into little pieces.) Whole apples (Cut them up before eating.) Pretty much anything chewy or hard Gum Licorice Toffee Tootsie rolls Starburst  Taffy  Caramels Jolly Ranchers Limit sugary foods Cake Ice cream Cookies Pie Candy Pop Things To Avoid Doing Chewing on finger nails Chewing on pencils/pens Pretty much chewing on anything

Brushing and Flossing

Today's post is about brushing and flossing with braces. Brushing with braces takes a little longer than brushing without braces. It takes me about 4 minutes generally to brush with braces, so about twice as long as it does without braces! Here is diagram showing how to brush. Flossing is definitely a lot harder with braces. In order to floss with braces you need a floss threaders  to loop the floss through. Here are some floss threaders. Here is a diagram explaining how to floss with braces.